Ukraine Rebuilding Task Force

Revitalising Ukraine: The Transcarpathian Business and Investment Promotion Centre as a catalyst for reconstruction

Amidst the challenges posed by the ongoing war in Ukraine – from the disruption of the economy to the shattering of social structures – a glimmer of hope is emerging in the form of the Transcarpathian Business and Investment Promotion Center (TBIC). This ambitious project, initiated by Team West of the Ukraine Rebuilding Task Force, aims to promote the reconstruction and economic revitalization of the region by supporting local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and foreign investors.

Strategic Vision and Objective

TBIC has a clear vision: to accelerate recovery, promote resilience and utilize Western Ukraine’s strategic location as a bridgehead between Ukraine and European markets. At a time when Ukrainian businesses are facing disrupted supply chains, damaged infrastructure and a displaced workforce, Western Ukraine offers relative stability and security – fertile ground for economic activity that can stimulate a nationwide recovery.

Objectives of TBIC


The creation of a one-stop shop that offers comprehensive services ranging from legal advice and market analyses to financing advice.


Customised support for companies that want to relocate to Western Ukraine or open up new markets.


Improving access to capital through networking with financing opportunities.


Promoting co-operation with industrial and economic zones to provide operational space and logistical support.


Capacity building and skills development through targeted training programmes.


Promoting sustainability and innovation by supporting the introduction of green technologies.

Expectations for the center are high: it should not only facilitate business success, but also make a significant contribution to the economic development and resilience of the region. By fostering cooperation between local and international stakeholders, the center positions itself as a cornerstone in the transformation of Western Ukraine into a thriving hub for business and investment. TBIC demonstrates how targeted initiatives can capitalize on local strengths and bring about meaningful change that reaches far beyond the immediate region.

In order to fulfill the goals and expectations, Team West of the Ukraine Rebuilding Task Force brings together the expertise of all team members. Team West – these are Ukrainian experts and their companies carefully selected by the Task Force. The organisation of the Team West pilot project is supervised by our Steinbeis Transfer Center (STC) in Germany. It organizes also the involvement of foreign partners. Both Steinbeis Ukraine and the German STC will contribute to the implementation of the project.

Ukraine Rebuilding Task Force

The Ukraine Rebuilding Task Force is an initiative launched in cooperation between the Estonian Centre for International Development (ESTDEV) and the Visionest Institute. The project is funded equally by ESTDEV and the US State Department. The aim is to increase the capabilities of Ukrainian companies so that they can make a greater contribution to the reconstruction process. At a time when there is strong international interest in the reconstruction of Ukraine, these companies need capable local partners. STC Director Juergen Raizner is a mentor for the entrepreneurs in Team West.

Interested in Rebuilding Ukraine?

In addition to the Task Force and the TBIC pilot project of Team West, there is a need for further action in Ukraine. It is important to get involved at an early stage. We have been working in Ukraine since 1996 and are represented locally by Steinbeis Transfer Management Ltd., an Ukrainian legal entity.